Music Festival Tips for an Unforgettable Experience

Written by: Coco Hsu



Time to read 3 min

Music festivals are a whirlwind of amazing performances, epic memories, and, sometimes, a little bit of chaos. Whether you're a seasoned festival-goer or about to embark on your first adventure, these tips will help you have fun, stay safe, and make the most of every moment.

Before You Go: Planning is Key

A little preparation goes a long way to making your festival experience a good time. Start here:

  • Research the Lineup: Don't just go for the headliners! Dive into the undercard and discover new artists you might love. This helps you plan your days and avoid or make tough decisions about scheduling conflicts.

  • Logistics 101: Know your transportation options (parking, shuttles, rideshare), where you're staying (camping or nearby hotel?), and study the festival map for essential spots like restrooms, water stations, and medical tents.

  • Pack Like a Pro: Your packing list depends on the festival, but essentials include sunscreen, a hydration backpack, comfy shoes, layers for changing weather, a portable charger, and earplugs (trust us on this… once you lose your hearing, it’s gone for good.)

  • Check the Weather Forecast: Knowing if it's going to be scorching hot, rainy, or somewhere in between will dictate your packing essentials (Rain poncho? Extra socks? Light jacket?)

  • Know the Rules: Visit the festival website for a list of allowed and prohibited items. You don't want to get stuck tossing anything at the gate!

  • Embrace the App: Most festivals have apps with schedules, maps, and real-time updates. This is your lifeline.

  • Set Meeting Points: Cell service is usually unreliable. Pick a few designated spots to reunite with friends if you get separated. Also, time stamp your texts so your friends know if the information you are sending is up-to-date!

Pace Yourself: It's a marathon, not a sprint. Hydrate, take breaks in the shade, and know it's okay to miss a set or two to recharge.

What Not to Forget at a Music Festival?

Even with the best planning, it's easy to overlook these essentials:

  1. Cash and Small Bills: While many vendors accept cards, having cash is smart for smaller purchases, tipping, or if there are tech glitches.

  2. Wet Wipes/ Hand Sanitizer: Festivals are frankly pretty gross, and you’re most likely using portable bathrooms. Sanitize to avoid getting sick after the festival!

  3. First Aid Basics: A few bandaids, pain relievers, and any personal meds you need to take the stress out of minor mishaps.

  4. A Hydration Backpack: Carry your essentials and stay hydrated.

  5. Positive Attitude: Things WILL go wrong (lost phone, sudden downpour). An ability to roll with the punches makes everything more fun!

woman sitting on grass with two hydration backpacks

Importance of Hydration During Music Festivals

Festivals mean long days filled with dancing, walking, and (hopefully) lots of sunshine. Staying hydrated isn't just about comfort; it's about safety and ensuring you can enjoy every minute.

  • Your Hydration Backpack is Your Best Friend : Many festivals allow hydration backpacks (even if they are not clear!) These backpacks have built-in bladders that make it easy to hold a lot of water and keep your hands free for dancing.

  • Electrolytes Are Your Fuel : Pack powder packets or electrolyte-rich snacks to replenish what you lose through sweat. This helps prevent heat exhaustion and keeps your energy levels up.

Staying Safe

Festivals are about the music AND the people. A little bit of looking out for each other goes a long way:

  • Be a Buddy: Stick with at least one friend, especially at night. Look out for each other and make sure everyone gets home safely.

  • Fuel Your Adventures: Food at festivals can be pricey. Pack snacks and scope out the vendor options to find meals that fit your budget and dietary needs.

  • Embrace the Unexpected: Festival magic lies in the unplanned moments – a dance party with strangers, discovering a mind-blowing new band, or striking up a conversation that leads to a lifelong friendship.

First Time at a Music Festival? Here's What to Expect

The excitement, the crowds, the nonstop sensory overload... your first music festival can feel a bit intimidating! Here's the truth:

  • Fun Chaos : But that's part of the fun! Embrace the unexpected and know that even seasoned festival-goers still experience hiccups.

  • Not Seeing Everything : With multiple stages and overlapping sets, some tough choices are inevitable. Don't let FOMO ruin your time – focus on enjoying the moment.

  • New Friends : Festivals have a way of bringing people together. Be open to chatting with people in line, sharing sunscreen with your campsite neighbors, and making memories that last long after the music stops.

You're ready to take on any music festival with confidence! Now's the time to put these tips into action. Start by researching festivals that match your music tastes and budget. Then make sure you go through our checklist to feel prepared to have a great time! If you need a cute hydration backpack, we've got you covered. Check out our fashionable and functional hydration backpacks here.